How to Keep Concrete Floors From Sweating
If you have concrete in your home that routinely appears to be wet or feels damp, then you may have sweating slab syndrome.

This is not actually a problem with the construction, however, but an issue that can often be controlled or eliminated by changing the upkeep of the area and, in some cases, the controlled climate conditions. It is important to get this issue under control as soon as possible so that you do not have to deal with issues like mold and mildew, or safety problems from slippery concrete.
Things You Will Need
- Push broom
- 5 gallon bucket
- Detergent
- Ceiling fans
- Dehumidifier
Scrub down the floor regularly. This means you will need to clear out the area and sweep it out, then use a combination of detergent and hot water to really scrub the entire area using the bristle push broom. This will remove and control deposits on the surface of the slab that may be contributing to condensation. Tire marks and rubber in particular cause problems.
Turn down the air. This will reduce the temperature differential between the air near the ceiling and that near the floor. This often reduced condensation.
Get the air moving. If installing air conditioning is not an option, then try one or more large ceiling fans. The number will depend on the amount of space at issue. For example, most garages can handle two to four fans. A warehouse could need over 100 ceiling fans if it were large enough, or even a commercial fan. The fans increase evaporation rate and keep moisture low.
Place dehumidifiers throughout the building. This will remove moisture from the air and cut down on condensation. Just one dehumidifier in the garage will go a long way toward keeping your concrete sweat-free.

If you are pouring concrete, then consider adding a vapor-retardant before you pour.
The Drip Cap
- If you have concrete in your home that routinely appears to be wet or feels damp, then you may have sweating slab syndrome.
- It is important to get this issue under control as soon as possible so that you do not have to deal with issues like mold and mildew, or safety problems from slippery concrete.
- Scrub down the floor regularly.
- The number will depend on the amount of space at issue.
Photo Credits
- Kate Toussaint/Demand Media
- Kate Toussaint/Demand Media
- Kate Toussaint/Demand Media
- Kate Toussaint/Demand Media
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