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How to Snap Siding Back Together

C.L. Rease

Strong winds and storms can cause low maintenance vinyl siding seams to unsnap and become loose. If left loose, moisture and insects can work behind the siding and cause damage to wooden components of your house.

Vinyl siding snaps in place to create a waterproof barrier.

The flexibility of vinyl siding allows you to snap unsnapped seams together without removing or replacing the siding. A siding installation tool works the seams together without causing damage to the installed siding, keeping moisture and bugs from damaging your home.

  1. Slip a rag under the loose vinyl siding seam. Drag the rag along the bottom edge of the seam to remove dirt and debris that will interfere with the siding repair.

  2. Remove the rag from the loose seam.

  3. Slide the hooked end of a siding zip tool under the lip of the top piece of siding. Push the zip tool forward until you reach the end of the loose seam.

  4. Pull down on the zip tool handle as you push the top piece of vinyl siding toward the wall. Pull the zip tool along the seam -- while maintaining pressure on the siding -- until the lower flange of the top length of siding snaps onto the upper flange of the lower piece of siding.

  5. Repeat the process to snap all loose vinyl siding seams in place.

  6. Warning

    Use proper ladder safety techniques if you need a ladder to reach a loose vinyl siding seam.

    Tighten loosen siding seams in warm weather to avoid cracking the vinyl siding.