How to Convert Milliamps to Degrees
When converting unit measurements, you need to remember what the units actually represent. Amps represent the flow of current through an electrical system. Milliamps are a metric unit that measures electrical flow that is less than 1 amp.

Using milliamps means measuring a small amount of electrical flow through a circuit. The other important unit to consider here is degrees, which are used to measure temperature. Obviously, more information about the electrical circuit in question will be needed to complete this conversion because the flow of electricity does not equal temperature in any way. The two cannot be compared because they are two different types of units. Given more information, however, electrical flow can be converted to energy. This energy can be converted into temperature.
Remember, this conversion cannot be started without knowing the voltage as well as the amount of milliamps in the electrical circuit.
Divide the number of milliamps by 1,000. This converts milliamps into amps. For example, if the number of milliamps in the circuit is 1,000, that circuit would have 1 amp of electricity flow.
Multiple the number of amps by the number of volts in the circuit. To find temperature, the amount of power being output from the electrical circuit must be known. This power is measured in watts. Amps must be multiplied by the number of volts in the electrical circuit. Using the example of a circuit with 1 amp and 120 volts, this would equal 120 watts of power.
Multiple the number of watts created by the number of seconds in which the electrical process is taking place. Energy is expressed in units called joules. Each watt of power over the time of one second creates a joule. Therefore, 120 watts over one second is 120 joules of energy.
Divide the number of joules created by 4.18. Temperature (of water) can be raised by 1 degree Celsius, for ever 4.18 joules. The increase of degrees can be found by dividing the number of joules by 4.18. So, if the temperature is 50 degrees Celsius and 120 joules of energy is added to this temperature, that temperature will raise by approximately 28.71 degrees Celsius to a total of 78.71 degrees Celsius.
The Drip Cap
- When converting unit measurements, you need to remember what the units actually represent.
- Divide the number of milliamps by 1,000.
- For example, if the number of milliamps in the circuit is 1,000, that circuit would have 1 amp of electricity flow.
- This power is measured in watts.
- Amps must be multiplied by the number of volts in the electrical circuit.
- Therefore, 120 watts over one second is 120 joules of energy.
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- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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