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How to Get Rid of Suction Cup Marks on Bathroom Tile

Mary Ylisela

Suction cups serve as convenient devices to secure wall hangings or supply hooks where none exist. Rather than sustain potential damage to a bathroom tile wall, you can extend storage space with the use of suction cup hooks.

Suction cup marks on tile attract other stain matter.

When suction cups are adhered to the tile for prolonged periods of time before being removed, they often leave suction cup marks behind. These minor stains can be due to chemicals in the suction cups or moisture-loving substances, such as mildew, growing behind the suction cup. Home remedies clean these stains and return your tile to clean condition.

    Sponges clean tile without scratching.
  1. Dampen a clean sponge with water and squeeze out excess moisture.

  2. Sprinkle baking soda onto the damp sponge. Scrub the site of the suction cup mark on the tile and leave the baking soda to sit on the surface for a minutes. Baking soda is a mild abrasive and is safe to use on tile surfaces.

  3. Fill a spray bottle with 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1 cup water. Spritz the diluted vinegar onto the tile wall where the baking soda has been applied. The mixture will bubble and foam, working to loosen the stain left by the suction cup.

  4. Dampen a clean cloth and wipe off the baking soda and vinegar combination, along with the suction cup mark. Dry the bathroom tile surface with a clean, dry cloth.

  5. Tip

    Clean ceramic tile with glass cleaner to remove suction cup marks. Wash off the back of the suction cup before reusing. Wipe a bit of baby oil onto the back of a suction cup to make it stick to the surface better.


    Suction cups in bathrooms can end up harboring mold and mildew behind the rubber cup. Take the suction cup down, as a regular part of your bathroom cleaning, and clean the back of the suction cup and the tile with a disinfectant to ensure fungus doesn't grow there.