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How to Care for Pillow Top Mattress Cover

Gail Logan

Pillow top mattresses have a soft layer stitched on top of the mattress. These beds offer prime comfort, but they can be costly. A pillow top mattress cover will mimic the softness of a pillow top mattress at a much lower cost and will also serve to protect the mattress from wear.

Like bed sheets, you should clean a pillow top mattress cover regularly as it can be prone to collecting sweat and dust mites.


Place a tennis ball into the dryer while drying a cover to "fluff" it up. Remove a cover, and hang it outside to allow it to air out if the cover needs to be freshened but is not soiled.


Do not place a memory foam cover in a washing machine.

  1. Remove the pad from the bed every two to three months for general cleaning.

  2. Wash a pillow top mattress cover made of down feathers or wool in warm water. Use a large washing machine to prevent the cover from tearing. If necessary, take the cover to a laundromat to secure a large enough machine.

  3. Take a pillow top mattress cover made of memory foam outside, and shake it to remove dust. Place a protective covering on the floor, such as a sheet, and lay the cover on top of it. Use the handheld attachment of a vacuum cleaner to deep clean.

  4. Spot clean a cover made of memory foam using a white cloth and a small amount of liquid detergent. Wet the spot with clean water. Pour the detergent onto the cloth, and rub onto the pad until the spot is removed. Pre-treat with stain treatment if necessary. Rinse out the cloth, and blot the spot to remove the soap. Allow it to dry.

  5. Dry a washed cover on a line outdoors, or place it in a large dryer such as you would find at a laundromat.

  6. Flip a cover made of memory foam before replacing it on the bed to ensure even wear.

The Drip Cap

  • Pillow top mattresses have a soft layer stitched on top of the mattress.
  • Remove the pad from the bed every two to three months for general cleaning.
  • Take a pillow top mattress cover made of memory foam outside, and shake it to remove dust.
  • Pour the detergent onto the cloth, and rub onto the pad until the spot is removed.