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Can a Mouse Eat Through Foam Insulation?

Anne Cagle
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The house mouse is the most common type of mouse in North America. It is a small animal that can do a lot of damage. Common barriers such as foam cannot keep mice from entering a house.

Mice can be destructive to human habitats.

House Mouse Origin

The house mouse (Mus musculus) is not native to North America. This rodent arrived from Asia on ships around the time of the American Revolution. House mice spread from sea ports to inland areas via human migration.


The average house mouse is a tiny beast that weighs only 0.4 oz. to 1 oz. with a tail length of 3 to 6 inches to complement its 3 to 4 inch body. House mice may have light brown or black fur.


House mice can be found where there is human habitation. The creatures are attracted to carelessly stored food and debris piles. However, a clean home can also have mice who will follow any food scent. Occasionally there are feral mice that live along waterways or fields in concealing grasses, but most mice prefer to stay close to the easy meals that humans unwittingly provide. Houses also provide safe havens from snakes, owls and other predators.


House mice will, as stated, follow the scent of food through any material.They are mainly nocturnal rodents who will only come out in the day if they are starving. The males are very territorial and will be aggressive to other male mice.

Foam Insulation

Foam insulation is a spray used to insulate homes against drafts and to block the entrance of mice, rats and other small four-legged animals. The spray is often petroleum based but there are also insulations that derive from organic materials.

Destructive Potential

House mice prefer to eat seeds and grains but have been known to eat bird eggs and baby birds. They are very destructive to clothes, upholstered furniture, car or other wires, and–alas--foam insulation. They spread many diseases such as bubonic plague and salmonellosis (food poisoning).

The Drip Cap

  • The house mouse is the most common type of mouse in North America.
  • The house mouse (Mus musculus) is not native to North America.
  • House mice can be found where there is human habitation.
  • House mice will, as stated, follow the scent of food through any material.
  • House mice prefer to eat seeds and grains but have been known to eat bird eggs and baby birds.