What Are Countersunk Screws?
A screw essentially is an item that allows you to fasten or secure one object to another. They are identified by a ridge, or thread, that travels the shaft and culminates at a head. This head will have either a cross- or flat-shaped impression that will enable a screwdriver to drive or turn the screw into material.

Use a countersunk screw when you do not want the fixtures to show.
Countersunk Screw
A countersunk screw is a type of fastening that sits flush with the surface of the material it occupies. These screws typically are used so that you can cover them easily with either a screw cap or piece of wood. Other applications include the need for a fastening not to protrude so other objects can rest upon it stably, or to fasten it further to another object. The typical angle of a countersunk screw head is 82 degrees, but this varies depending on the application.
Countersunk Hole
To use a countersunk screw, it is necessary to machine the hole first for it to receive the angle of the screw head easily. Certain tools, such as a cross-hole countersink cutter and a fluted countersink cutter, can bore wood or metal efficiently to prepare a cone seating.
Other Uses
A countersunk screw also can be very useful when dealing with burred holes. Depending on how severe the hole has been burred, it can act as a readily prepared seat for the head of the screw.
Difference Between a Screw and a Bolt
There actually is no universally accepted distinction between a screw and a bolt. However, a bolt typically will be fastened with a nut that threads onto its end. One major difference is that a bolt almost never has a countersunk head.
The Drip Cap
- A screw essentially is an item that allows you to fasten or secure one object to another.
- Depending on how severe the hole has been burred, it can act as a readily prepared seat for the head of the screw.
- One major difference is that a bolt almost never has a countersunk head.
Writer Bio
William Thomson started writing seven years ago in 2003 and has contributed work to the student newspaper "Uyellnews" and a magazine known as "Words Yes!." William specializes in writing fiction and opinion articles. He graduated from the University of East London with a Bachelor of Arts in English literature with creative and professional writing.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
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