How to Use Lye in Toilets
Lye is a strong alkaline solution made from sodium or potassium hydroxide. It is used in soapmaking and for cleaning and opening drains. If your toilet becomes clogged, sprinkling a small amount of lye in the toilet will help unclog it.

Before using lye, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for use of the product.
Place a plunger in the toilet. Push down on the toilet to try to unplug or unclog the toilet.
Add the appropriate amount of lye into the toilet, following the manufacturer's directions. Wait the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer.
Flush the toilet. If the toilet flushes normally, the drain is cleared. If the toilet does not drain, or is slow draining, repeat Step 2. Never plunge or snake a drain once chemicals have been added.
The Drip Cap
- Lye is a strong alkaline solution made from sodium or potassium hydroxide.
- Add the appropriate amount of lye into the toilet, following the manufacturer's directions.
- Never plunge or snake a drain once chemicals have been added.
Writer Bio
Kallie Johnson began her writing career in 2009, contributing to various online publications. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She enjoys writing home and garden topics and considers herself an expert on do-it-yourself home improvement topics.
Photo Credits
- Toilet bowl and bidet in a toilet image by terex from
- Toilet bowl and bidet in a toilet image by terex from
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