How to Fix Cigarette Burns in Wool Coat
If you have ever accidentally let an ash fall from a cigarette onto your clothes, you know how unsightly the resulting burn or burn hole can be. This is actually a fairly common occurrence, and thankfully there are a number of ways to repair holes like this in most fabrics.

While cigarette holes in wool can be a little more challenging to repair, you can do it with a little patience and the proper tools.
Things You Will Need
- Vaccum
- Fine sandpaper
- Razor
- Fabric glue
- Tweezers
If you don't have fine sandpaper, try using an emery board instead.
Make sure you use fabric glue that is washable. Even though you don't generally wash wool coats, using washable fabric glue will ensure the repair can withstand a thorough dry cleaning.
Vacuum up any loose charred material around the burn hole. This will clear the area so you have a clean surface with which to work.
Rub away any charred ends around the hole gently with fine sandpaper. This should leave you with just a clean hole to repair in the coat.
Shave off some extra fiber from an interior hem or seam in the coat with a sharp razor.
Arrange the shaved fibers into an appropriately sized and shaped plug for the hole in need of repair. Apply a small amount of fiber glue to the plug to bind it together.
Position the plug in the hole of the coat, and apply a small amount of fabric glue to the inside of the coat around the hole to bond the plug to the hole.
Use tweezers to arrange the fibers in the plug so that they blend with the surrounding fabric of the coat.
The Drip Cap
- If you have ever accidentally let an ash fall from a cigarette onto your clothes, you know how unsightly the resulting burn or burn hole can be.
- While cigarette holes in wool can be a little more challenging to repair, you can do it with a little patience and the proper tools.
- Shave off some extra fiber from an interior hem or seam in the coat with a sharp razor.
Writer Bio
Jack Watson is a technical writing professor specializing in new media writing and Web design. He has been actively writing and publishing since 2007 for academic journals including "The Journal of Technology and Culture," "Computers and Composition Online" and "IEEE Transactions in Professional Communication." Watson holds a Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition.
Photo Credits
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
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