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How to Heat-Seal Vinyl With a Heat Gun

Marshal M. Rosenthal

Vinyl is used for many products, for example, chair cushions, laptop cases, exercise balls and even portable swimming pools. A tear in a vinyl surface must be repaired or it can no longer be used. A vinyl patch affixed to the tear with a heat gun will seal the tear so that the vinyl product can continue being used. The procedure requires a few tools found around the house, along with the heat-seal vinyl that can be acquired from a hardware store.

Step 1

Place the vinyl product that has the tear in it on a flat surface, such as a table or on the floor. If the vinyl product holds air, loosen the valve that allows the air to escape. Flatten the section of the vinyl product that has the tear on it with your hands.

Step 2

Wipe the area clean with a water-moistened paper towel to remove loose dirt and other contaminants. Dry the area with a dry paper towel.

Step 3

Place a heat-seal vinyl patch on top of the tear. Put on the work gloves.

Step 4

Plug the power cord of a heat gun into an AC outlet for power.

Step 5

Press down on the center of the patch with two fingers of one hand. Hold the heat gun in the other hand. Press the trigger of the heat gun to start the hot air flowing out of its barrel.

Step 6

Move the barrel of the heat gun over the heat-seal vinyl patch in a back and forth motion. Change this motion to up and down once you feel the patch softening. Alternate between back and forth and up and down for two minutes. Release the trigger of the heat gun but continue holding the patch down with your fingers.

Step 7

Release the patch after two minutes have passed. Let the patch cool for an hour. Inspect the patch for bubbles or other irregularities. Repeat the entire procedure with the heat gun if there are any irregularities on the patch, otherwise unplug the heat gun from the AC outlet.

Step 8

Let the vinyl product sit unattended for a day before returning it to its original location.