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Flashing Between the Brick Rowlock & the Vinyl Siding

Tim Anderson

Flashing is one of the most important elements of any exterior siding application, regardless whether you are working with brick or vinyl. Flashing covers inside corners as well as outside corners and any area such as around doorways and windows where voids are present that water can penetrate. If you are dealing with a brick rowlock to vinyl siding transition, flashing needs to be used here as well as the other areas in accordance with the vinyl siding and brick manufacturer’s instructions.

Brick Rowlock Basics

Brick to vinyl transitions require flashing to force water to flow outward away from the house.

Brick walls are normally made up of field bricks, which are set according to the manufacturer or the owner’s preference. A rowlock, also known as a bull header, is a brick that is laid along its long, narrow side with the header exposed, and usually works as a cap for the top of brick walls that only run halfway up a wall where the vinyl siding then takes over and carries farther up the wall to the roof.

Vinyl Siding Basics

While the exact basics of flashing vary by according to the vinyl siding manufacturer, any edges must be flashed in addition to the waterproofing that is beneath the vinyl siding. All window transitions, as well as eaves, doorways, vents and ledger boards for decks must be flashed. This includes the transition from the vinyl to the brickwork because without flashing the water draining down the side of the house will run behind the brick and damage the substrate beneath.

Flashing Basics

Flashing comes in a variety of types, ranging from plastic sheets that are installed like a piece of tape around windows and doorways to Z flashing that is used to cover ledger boards and fit between vinyl panels, if you are dealing with a panel installation. L-shaped flashing is also used in some cases, and can be metal as well as plastic or other man-made material. It is installed in places where water can possibly penetrate to the wall beneath, and is designed to force the water toward the outside covering of the home.

Flash Angle for Brickwork

The basic type of flashing used for a vinyl siding to brick transition is L-shaped flashing. It is installed under the vinyl siding but on top of the brick rowlock so that the vinyl siding is installed on top of the vertical section of the L, and the horizontal section of the L rests on top of the rowlock. Any water that drains down the face of the vinyl siding will then hit the flashing and pour out over the top of the brick rowlock rather than penetrating to the wall beneath.