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How to Eliminate Brush Marks When Using Enamel Paint

Alexis Lawrence

Enamel paint differs somewhat from latex and other standard paints. The texture of enamel paint is like varnish, but the substance is pigmented to produce a variety of different colors.

The paint can be found in both glossy and matte varieties, and, like regular paints, enamel paint is used in a variety of situations, including on floors, door trim, furniture and toys. While enamel is a free flowing paint that is easy to brush on, it can leave brush marks if not properly applied.

  1. Using an enamel brush—specifically made to help avoid brush strokes when using enamel paint—apply an enamel undercoat on the surface you wish to paint. The undercoats are made specifically to serve as a base for enamel paint. Enamel brushes have softer bristles than standard paintbrushes and are also angled on each side, allowing enamel to run more smoothly.

  2. Dip an enamel brush into the enamel undercoat and cover an entire square foot of the wall, using brush strokes in the same direction and finishing the entire portion of the wall before dipping the brush again. This keeps the brush strokes flowing in one direction, eliminating brush strokes on all but one end. Sand the enamel undercoat lightly in gentle, circular motions to roughen the surface before painting.

  3. Use the same method for applying enamel paint as you used for the undercoat. Dip the brush one time and cover an entire square foot, then dip the brush again and start the next section right beside the first.

  4. Avoid painting over areas that have already been painted as much as possible. Brush strokes made over the top of drying paint will leave more marks behind.

  5. Add a second layer of enamel paint once the first layer has dried completely. Sand down the first layer of paint to roughen slightly between coats with number "0" sandpaper.