What Is Aspen Wood Used For?
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Aspen is a poplar tree that has a variety of uses. Although not considered a good pulp or lumber wood, aspens have qualities that put them in high demand for certain goods and uses.

Historical Aspen Uses
Some Native American tribes often used the bark of aspens and other poplar trees for medicinal purposes. Bark was made into a bitter tea to help treat swollen joints and urinary tract infections, and to purge the body.
The most common use for aspen wood is for matchsticks. Aspen wood is soft but strong and resistant to flame compared with other wood, making it ideal for use in making matches.
Cheap Furniture
Aspen rarely used for furniture, but sometimes, for cheap furniture that won't get a lot of wear or abuse, aspen is used to keep costs down.
Animal Bedding
Aspen wood chips often are used for animal bedding because this poplar lacks chemicals other woods have that cause respiratory problems in animals.
Sauna Construction
When heat-treated properly, aspen can be a good, inexpensive choice for the interior of a sauna.
Replaceable Fencing
Aspen often is inexpensive, so it can be used to make cheap fencing, such as snow fences.
Writer Bio
Monty Dayton is a professional freelance writer who has worked for the ACLU, Touchstone Publishing LLC, the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and many other employers. He holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of Alaska and loves writing about travel, the outdoors and health topics.
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- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
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