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How to Mix Gordon's Brush Killer

Darci Pauser

Gordon's Brush Killer kills annual, perennial and woody weeds via foliage. For effectiveness, the manufacturer delimits dilution guidelines for the user. The user must dilute the product according to the type of weed treated. After several days, the weed foliage turns yellow, then subsequently browns and dies.

A garden sprayer delivers the diluted herbicide to weed foliage.

The manufacturer says you should not use Gordon's Brush Killer on windy days, nor just prior to rain or irrigation. Wind may carry the weed killer to desirable plants and crops. Rain or irrigation removes the weed killer from the weed foliage and reduces its effectiveness. Always wear safety gear when handling or spraying Gordon's Brush Killer.


Use 1 gallon of diluted herbicide per 300 square feet.


Dedicate the measuring cup to measuring herbicides. Do not use the measuring cup for food following use with any herbicide or other chemical. Do not use more herbicide than stated by the manufacturer. Over-use may lead to runoff and contamination of desired plants and water sources.

  1. Add 1/2 gallon of clean water to the garden sprayer reservoir.

  2. Measure the concentrated Gordon's Brush Killer herbicide: 3 oz. for annual weeds, 6 oz. for perennial weeds and 9 oz. for woody weeds.

  3. Add the Gordon's Brush Killer to the garden sprayer reservoir.

  4. Close and shake or agitate the reservoir.

  5. Add another 1/2 gallon of water to the garden sprayer reservoir.

  6. Close and shake until all the herbicide dissolves. Continue to shake occasionally during use.

The Drip Cap

  • Gordon's Brush Killer kills annual, perennial and woody weeds via foliage.
  • Wind may carry the weed killer to desirable plants and crops.
  • Add the Gordon's Brush Killer to the garden sprayer reservoir.
  • Close and shake or agitate the reservoir.