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How to Repair Stucco Wall Interior

Keith Dooley

Stucco is a material that home designers frequently layer on interior walls to create a textured finish. The type of texture that results depends on what tool creates it, such as a sponge, rag or trowel.

Stucco needs to repaired as quickly as possible to prevent further damage.

Cracks in interior stucco walls can develop as the material gets older, the house settles or if it was not applied properly. You should quickly repair these cracks, along with holes that are created from normal use of the wall, to keep the damage to a minimum.

Repairing with Stucco

  1. Attach wire mesh with wood nails to the inside of the hole. Securely attach the wire mesh as a foundation on which you will apply the stucco. This foundation holds the stucco in place.

  2. Spread a thin layer of stucco on the mesh and allow it to thoroughly dry before proceeding.

  3. Layer on a second coat of stucco with a trowel so that it is just below the surface of the surrounding stucco. Wet the surrounding stucco so that it will bond with the new. Allow to dry.

  4. Smooth on the final layer of stucco and create the textured finish to match the rest of the wall. Use a rag, trowel, sponge or other object to match the texture of the surrounding wall.

Repairing with Patch Repair

  1. Brush off any loose stucco so that you are working with a firm surface.

  2. Open cracks with a router so that they are at least 1/4 inch wide. This will allow the material to get into the cracks and bond.

  3. Wet the wall where the repair needs to be if you are working in a dry climate.

  4. Add the correct amount of water to the repair patch product. Find this amount in the patch instructions. Mix together what you think you will need plus a little more in case of errors. Add water slowly.

  5. Mix until there are no lumps.

  6. Apply to the area using a trowel or putty knife depending on the size of the repair. There is no layering needed.

  7. Add texture to match the surrounding wall. You might need to experiment to get the correct texture if you don't know how the original texture was created.

  8. Texture the stucco with a trowel, sponge or rag to match the surrounding wall. Vary the technique you use with the tools by dragging, pressing or patting to achieve the desired finish.

  9. Prime and paint after the patch has dried. Drying should take about an hour or so.


Try practicing texture techniques on some scrape boards before attempting to repair the interior wall.