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How to Parge on Wood

Don Kress

While parging is typically done on concrete walls, it is possible to apply a coat of parge to a wood wall in the same way that you would apply stucco. In fact, the two materials are the same, except that parging is a thinner application than stucco.

Parging a wood wall gives it the appearance of concrete.

For this reason, it is important to use a thin reinforcing net within the parging to ensure that it maintains a grip on the wood surface. This is done using chicken wire fence.

  1. Apply the chicken wire fence to the wood surface, using the staple gun to secure it in place. It is important that the chicken wire fence be completely flush with the surface of the wood in order to hold the thin coat of parging to the wall.

  2. Mix the parging or stucco mix with water until it is the consistency of thick peanut butter in a mixing container.

  3. Apply the parging to the wall with the trowel, smoothing the surface with the flat blade of the trowel. This is where the difference between parging and stucco is found. In stucco, you are creating textures or designs in the concrete. Parging is the application of a smooth, flat surface to the wall.

  4. Allow the parging to cure according to the package directions prior to doing additional work on the wall.

  5. Tip

    Lightly moisten the parging occasionally with a sponge through the curing process to help prevent the formation of cracks in the surface from the cement mixture curing too quickly.

The Drip Cap

  • While parging is typically done on concrete walls, it is possible to apply a coat of parge to a wood wall in the same way that you would apply stucco.
  • This is done using chicken wire fence.