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How to Remove a Stucco Finish From a Cinder Block Wall

J. Johnson

Stucco is a common material used on walls in both homes and commercial buildings. The stucco is generally used to coat drywall and create a protective barrier to help walls last years longer than drywall alone. Plaster can also be used as a decorative molding.

Stucco can seem as if it will never come off.

If you have stucco on a cinder block wall but are tired of the appearance or want to replace it with new stucco, use special cleaning products to remove it.

  1. Visit a hardware store and pick up some diluted trisodium phosphate (TSP) solution. This is a cleaning agent that can remove the stucco without harming the cinder block wall.

  2. Remove as much of the stucco as you can, using a paint scraper. Scrape carefully to ensure you don’t damage the concrete surface.

  3. Dip a paintbrush into the TSP solution and brush it onto the cinder block wall. Wait several minutes for the TSP to work through the stucco.

  4. Continue scraping. Repeat as necessary until the stucco is completely removed.

The Drip Cap

  • Stucco is a common material used on walls in both homes and commercial buildings.
  • The stucco is generally used to coat drywall and create a protective barrier to help walls last years longer than drywall alone.
  • Wait several minutes for the TSP to work through the stucco.