Broken Mattress Springs
If properly cared for, an innerspring mattress will last for years. If you have a very old mattress or one that has been damaged by jumping children, jumping adults or careless movers, though, you could have problems with broken mattress springs.

Innerspring Mattress
Innerspring mattresses are also called traditional mattresses. They have cores of metal coils or springs. Modern queen mattresses usually have about 150 springs inside. The larger a bed is, the more the springs it will contain. The coils are wrapped in layers of wool or cotton to provide cushioning. These springs inside the mattress bend beneath your weight, so the mattress feels soft, but they also resist pressure, supporting your body as you sleep.
One sign that your mattress has broken springs is a squealing or creaking sound from inside the mattress when you roll over onto a certain area of the bed. That is the sound of broken springs inside shifting against other metals springs. A badly broken spring might poke up at the surface of the mattress. This can lead to a point of pressure against the part of the mattress you sleep on. The end of the spring can cut through the mattress’s cover, putting you at risk for injury.
If you cannot afford a new mattress, try flipping your current one over. This changes the area where you are placing your weight while you're sleeping; it will cut down on the creaking and reduce your risk of getting poked with the edge of the broken spring or springs. If flipping the mattress does not work, try rotating it as well so the portion that was closest to the headboard is now at the foot of the bed. If this does not stop the creaking, it is time to purchase a new mattress.
You can prevent all parts of your innerspring mattress from wearing out by flipping the mattress every six months and rotating it every three. By doing so, you evenly distribute wear all over it. If you prefer to avoid springs completely, foam mattresses are the answer. Made from either synthetic or natural latex, foam mattresses' solid latex cores are surrounded by layers of cushioning cotton or linen. They have no springs inside to break.
The Drip Cap
- If properly cared for, an innerspring mattress will last for years.
- They have cores of metal coils or springs.
- Modern queen mattresses usually have about 150 springs inside.
- This changes the area where you are placing your weight while you're sleeping; it will cut down on the creaking and reduce your risk of getting poked with the edge of the broken spring or springs.
- If flipping the mattress does not work, try rotating it as well so the portion that was closest to the headboard is now at the foot of the bed.
- Home Comforts; Cheryl Mendelson
Photo Credits
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
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