How to Get a Paint Scuff off Wood Furniture
Wood furniture is an investment and you want to care for it to keep it in pristine condition. However, sometimes when moving or during home improvement projects, wood furniture can accidentally become scuffed with paint. There is no need to panic and discard the furniture.

Paint scuffs can be removed with a few common household items.
Things You Will Need
- Furniture
- Soap
- Sponge
- Furniture polish
- Boiled linseed oil
- Cloth
- Putty knife
Read the back of the paint can to determine if the paint scuff comes from water- or oil-based paint.
Removing Water-Based Paint
Test a small section of wood in an inconspicuous spot using soap and water. If the wood appears unharmed, proceed. If it appears discolored or damaged in any way, stop and consult a furniture repair professional.
Scrub the paint off gently using a damp sponge. Water-based paint should come right off.
Polish the entire piece with furniture polish to restore shine after removing all the paint.
Removing Oil-Based Paint
Dab a cloth in boiled linseed oil. Test the oil in an inconspicuous spot. If the wood appears unharmed, proceed. If it appears discolored or damaged in any way, stop and consult a furniture repair professional
Apply the cloth to the affected spot and let it soak for several minutes until the paint is softened.
Scrape the softened paint with a putty knife. Work carefully and gently.
Rub the scuff with more linseed oil in the cloth, working with the grain, to remove any remaining paint remnants.
Polish the entire piece with furniture polish to restore shine after removing all the paint.
Polish the entire piece with furniture polish to restore shine after removing all the paint.
The Drip Cap
- Wood furniture is an investment and you want to care for it to keep it in pristine condition.
- If the wood appears unharmed, proceed.
- Polish the entire piece with furniture polish to restore shine after removing all the paint.
- Scrape the softened paint with a putty knife.
Writer Bio
Art Corvelay is a freelance writer for demand studios who has been writing and editing for five years. He holds a Ph.D. in technical communication and teaches courses in writing and editing at the university level.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
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