Can I Put a Grandfather Clock on an Outside Wall?
Picking the right location for your grandfather clock helps the clock stay in perfect working order. In addition to properly cleaning and caring for the exterior, you must also protect the internal movements. Anytime you move the clock, use care that you do not disturb the movements.

Moving the clock to an outside wall might cause unwanted damage to the piece.
Exterior Walls
An outside wall has two different meanings. In one case, an outside wall refers to an exterior wall or one of the walls on the exterior edges of your home. Interior walls refer to the basic walls inside your house that have no exposure to the outside. For example, the hallway has interior walls if those walls are not on the outside edge of your home. Placing your grandfather clock on an exterior wall is fine, provided that the wall has no cracks or other damage that might let moisture seep into the clock.
Outside Walls
Depending on your experience, you might consider an outside wall as a wall located outside of your house, such as a wall on your patio. Do not place your grandfather clock outside, as exposure to the elements can cause significant damage. The high moisture from humidity and exposure to snow or rain causes a breakdown of the wood exterior, which leads to peeling of the stain. Exposure to the sun fades the original look of the wood and the internal mechanisms can also break down.
Care for the Clock
Protect your grandfather clock by oiling the clock at least every five years. A professional restorer removes the front of the clock and uses specially designed oils on the inside. Every few weeks, clean the outside by wiping down the wood with a damp cloth. A coat of wood oil soap or wood polish keeps dust from clinging to the clock and leaves behind a natural-looking shine. Running a vacuum cleaner lightly across the inside of the wood stops dust from soaking into the internal mechanisms.
The best location for your grandfather clock is a level floor with low levels of humidity in the surrounding area. Check the flooring before arranging your grandfather clock. An uneven surface puts more pressure on the clock components and causes the mechanisms to rub against each other, which stops the clock from working properly. High levels of humidity, such as those found outside, can warp the clock case and cause rusting of the metal mechanisms.
Writer Bio
Jennifer Eblin has been a full-time freelance writer since 2006. Her work has appeared on several websites, including Tool Box Tales and Zonder. Eblin received a master's degree in historic preservation from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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