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How to Stop Water Seepage in your Basement

Melody Dawn

One of the most common problems in homes that have basements is water seeping inside and pooling on the floor. Several things cause a basement to get wet. Wet basements usually occur after heavy rains or during the winter months.

In many cases, especially in older homes, there is not a foolproof answer to repair the problem. Several solutions are available to reduce the amount of moisture that comes into your home.

  1. Review the walls where the water enters the basement. Determine if the water is along a single wall entirely underground, along multiple walls or on one side of the house.

  2. Check for cracks in the foundation walls. Apply a construction grade epoxy during the months walls remain dry, to seal up the cracks. Apply the epoxy with a caulking gun. Squeeze the epoxy deep into the cracks to create a tight bond.

  3. Repair or replace damaged gutters to prevent water from pooling next to your house. Gutters are often the main source of the problem because they lead to drainage issues. Place cement splash pads under downspouts to carry water away at least five feet away from your foundation.

  4. Create a slope away from the outside foundation of your home. Add dirt next to the outside basement wall so that is slopes down two inches for every foot. Create a gentle slope away from your home's foundation to prevent water from pooling.

  5. Apply a layer of waterproofing on the inside of your basement walls. Spray the waterproofing in an even application. Hold the spray at least 10 inches away from the basement walls and spray from side-to-side until the wall is covered. Spray one wall at a time. Allow it to dry completely for two to three days before spraying another wall. Spray waterproofing in the dry months to ensure a secure bond.

  6. Hire a professional to inject an external waterproofing around the surface of your foundation if all else fails. The waterproofing seals up areas underground that allows water seepage.

The Drip Cap

  • One of the most common problems in homes that have basements is water seeping inside and pooling on the floor.
  • Check for cracks in the foundation walls.
  • Apply a construction grade epoxy during the months walls remain dry, to seal up the cracks.
  • Create a gentle slope away from your home's foundation to prevent water from pooling.
  • Spray waterproofing in the dry months to ensure a secure bond.