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How to Clean Mold From Window Blinds

Chris Deziel
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Clean mold off your window blinds using soap and water. Reduce humidity around the windows to prevent mold from coming back.

Mold on your blinds is unsightly, but it probably doesn't mean you're going to come down with a deadly disease. It could mean, however, that the humidity in your house is too high, and that's a problem that can affect everything in it, from the floor to the ceiling. Take the mold as a warning and scrub it off with soap and water.

No Need for Bleach

Until government agencies, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, changed their guidelines for mold cleanup, bleach was the go-to product for mold removal. That's no longer true; the thinking is that bleach simply isn't necessary -- it rarely kills mold at the roots, and even if it did, there is always plenty more in the air to start a new colony if conditions are right. The right conditions include moisture, so insofar as you are able to reduce humidity and condensation, you'll reduce mold. As for the active colonies on your walls, ceiling and blinds ... physically remove them with soap and water and avoid corrosive and harmful bleach.

Washing Mold Away

Cleaning Procedure

  1. Open the blinds all the way and dust them with a feather duster to remove loose dirt. You'll make some of the mold airborne when you do this, but it will probably not be enough to hurt you. Even so, it's best to wear a dust mask and keep the windows open.

  2. Vacuum the blinds using an upholstery attachment to get debris from edges, corners and hard-to-reach surfaces.

  3. Soak a sponge in a soap solution and wring it out thoroughly or spray on the soap solution with a spray bottle. Wipe all visible mold off the blinds, dipping the sponge frequently in water and wringing it out to keep it clean. Clean mold from hard-to-reach places, such as inside the hollow parts of cellular shades, using a toothbrush to scrub and a rolled-up paper towel to wipe.

  4. Warning

    Avoid over-wetting cellular shades. Some are fragile and assembled with an adhesive that can deteriorate.

  5. Wipe off all the areas you leaned with clear water. Leave the blind unrolled until the water dries.

The most important thing to remember when removing mold is that you have to physically remove it by scrubbing and wiping. Soap and water is an aid for that process, but it doesn't do the job by itself. The actual mixture should be one that's safe for your blind material. In most cases, an ounce of all-purpose cleaner in a gallon of warm water should do the job.

Mold Prevention

If your blinds frequently get moldy or they become covered with heavy mold, the problem could be caused by condensation around the window. When the outside temperature is low, the temperature differential tends to cause moisture from the interior warm air to collect in that vicinity. One solution is to reduce indoor humidity by running the central air system or providing ventilation. Another is to weatherstrip the windows to keep out cold air and reduce condensation.

The Drip Cap

  • Mold on your blinds is unsightly, but it probably doesn't mean you're going to come down with a deadly disease.
  • It could mean, however, that the humidity in your house is too high, and that's a problem that can affect everything in it, from the floor to the ceiling.
  • Open the blinds all the way and dust them with a feather duster to remove loose dirt.
  • Vacuum the blinds using an upholstery attachment to get debris from edges, corners and hard-to-reach surfaces.
  • One solution is to reduce indoor humidity by running the central air system or providing ventilation.