How to Iron Rayon
The same sheer and semi-sheer appearance of the rayon that makes it attractive can also make it difficult to iron. Not all rayon garments are the same. Rayon can vary according to the finish, construction and dyes that have been applied to it.

You should always defer to the manufacturer instructions on caring for your clothing; however, there are some basic steps that generally work on removing wrinkles from rayon fabrics.
Things You Will Need
- Spray bottle of water
- Hanger
If you need to iron your rayon garment on the right side, always place a piece of cloth between the iron and your garment to prevent creating a shiny appearance to the fabric.
Set your iron to the correct setting. Depending on the options available on your appliance, this will be the lowest available setting or, if offered, the synthetic setting without steam.
Turn your garment inside out.
Mist the item slightly with a spray bottle containing water. The goal is to make the garment damp, not wet.
Iron your garment quickly, using the least amount of time needed to remove wrinkles. Keep the iron constantly moving, never lingering in a single spot for too long. Avoid ironing a single spot for more than two to three seconds.
Allow the garment to cool by placing it on a hanger.
The Drip Cap
- The same sheer and semi-sheer appearance of the rayon that makes it attractive can also make it difficult to iron.
- You should always defer to the manufacturer instructions on caring for your clothing; however, there are some basic steps that generally work on removing wrinkles from rayon fabrics.
- Keep the iron constantly moving, never lingering in a single spot for too long.
Writer Bio
Charmiane Wilson's writing career began in 1992 as a contributing reporter and writer to "Hollywood Beat" entertainment magazine. This position lasted until 2005, when she returned to her passion of writing fiction. Her novel, "A Series of Prayers," was published in late 2008. She holds an associate degree in business from Axia College.
Photo Credits
- Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
- Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
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