How to Get a Grease Stain Out of a Wool Jacket
Grease stains on wool are often stubborn to remove. Professional dry cleaners can sometimes get good results, but the price can often be steep. Depending on the intensity of your stain, it is often possible to remove it on your own with a few household cleaning products.

Before beginning the project, read the cleaning care label of your woolen garment to understand the manufacturer’s cleaning and care recommendations.
Things You Will Need
- White distilled vinegar
- Liquid dish soap
- Clean paintbrush or toothbrush
- 3 white cloths
If permitted by the manufacturer's instructions, wash the jacket after you've completed your stain removing. This will remove any residual solution in the fabric. Increase the strength of your solution by upping the concentrations of vinegar and dish soap if the grease stain resists lifting the first time you try.
Combine 1 ounce white distilled vinegar, 1 ounce liquid dish soap and 6 ounces of water in a cup. Vinegar is a natural stain lifter, and dish soap usually has strong de-greasing properties.
Moisten a white cloth with the solution.
Touch a hidden area of the jacket with the moist towel to test for colorfastness. If dye from the wool jacket transfers onto the moist cloth, consider using a professional cleaner, rather than removing the grease stain yourself. Otherwise you could end up with a discolored garment, even if you are able to remove the stain.
Dab the grease stain with a bit of the solution, just enough to lightly moisten it. Do this only if the fabric is colorfast.
Pat the moist area with the bristles of a dry paintbrush or toothbrush. This ensures that the solution completely soaks into the stain, rather than resting on top of the fabric; it is also better for the material than harshly rubbing the solution in with your cloth. Let the area set for about five minutes.
Blot the moist area with a dry, white cloth to absorb excess moisture, and to begin lifting the stain. It is important to always use a white cloth, as colored cloths can transfer dye onto your jacket. This can make the stain worse.
Moisten a fresh cloth with clean water. Blot the stained area with the moist cloth, and then again with the dry cloth. This is gentler and better for the fabric than rinsing.
Allow the jacket to dry, and check for stain removal. If the stain remains, begin the process again.
The Drip Cap
- Grease stains on wool are often stubborn to remove.
- Depending on the intensity of your stain, it is often possible to remove it on your own with a few household cleaning products.
- Moisten a white cloth with the solution.
- Touch a hidden area of the jacket with the moist towel to test for colorfastness.
- This can make the stain worse.
Writer Bio
Ann Johnson has been a freelance writer since 1995. She previously served as the editor of a community magazine in Southern California and was also an active real-estate agent, specializing in commercial and residential properties. She has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University, Fullerton.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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