How to Change the Color of Stained Concrete
If you have a new driveway or concrete pad but hate the color, consider recoloring the concrete. You can do it without tearing it out and repouring. Here are a few simple way to remove coloring from concrete and restain it to your liking.

Clean the concrete surface thoroughly before beginning. An easy way to do this is to use a power washer with heavy-grade pad wash.
Allow the concrete to completely dry before continuing. Use a large fan if needed to speed up the drying process.
Attempt to remove some of the stain by coating the concrete with paint thinner. Then, using an old mop, wipe up as much of the liquid as possible. This process may not affect the stain greatly, but it should at least make some difference.
After the concrete has once again dried, apply a cement primer to the whole surface. This should bring the concrete closely back to its original color. It may look darker or lighter when first applied, but it will become more closely matched upon drying.
Once the concrete has again dried, you may now color it to your liking. Use a high quality concrete stain to get the hue and shade you want. Try to keep the stain spread evenly over the entire surface.
After the stain has set in, apply a coat of concrete sealant to the surface. This will keep the stain from becoming faded and weathered.
Things You Will Need
- Power washer
- Heavy-grade pad wash
- Large fan (optional)
- Paint thinner
- Old mop
- Concrete primer
- High quality concrete stain
- Concrete sealant
Don't be afraid to go heavy on the primer. It will provide a cleaner stain.
Always be careful when working around toxic chemicals.
Writer Bio
Tyson Simmons started writing professionally in 2005 and has worked for multiple media firms and publications, including "EQ Automotive" and various websites. He mainly covers the automotive and technical fields. Simmons has an English writing certification from Uintah Basin Applied Technology College and is also A+ computer repair certified. He is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in English writing at Utah State University.
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