How to Put Handprints in Concrete
Ever since the roaring twenties, scores of Hollywood stars have left their handprints in the sidewalk in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Just like the stars, homeowners involved in paving projects can immortalize themselves with imprints of their hands.

For a craft project, make handprints of each family member in concrete, using stepping stone concrete forms. Guarantee crisp, clean impressions by making handprints at just the right time after the concrete is poured.
Cut a piece of wire mesh to fit inside a stepping stone concrete mold. The mesh will embed itself into and strengthen the concrete.
Coat the inside walls of the mold with oil soap or cooking oil to guarantee its release once the concrete cures.
Add water bit-by-bit to dry concrete mix until a thick, goopy consistency is created. Stir in concrete pigment if colored stepping stones are desired.
Pour concrete into the mold and smooth the surface with a concrete float. Leave the concrete to set up until it is stiff but still impressionable. This generally takes from 12 to 24 hours.
Coat the palm of your hand lightly with oil soap or vegetable oil. Position your hand, palm down, lightly on the surface of the concrete then press down, keeping the hand as stable as possible. Push down until the concrete surface is near the back of your hand. Pull your hand quickly straight up and out of the concrete.
Sign your name under the handprint using a wooden skewer.
Cover the concrete with plastic wrap while it cures. Mist it regularly with water during the curing process. Depending on the temperature and humidity, it takes from three to seven days for concrete to fully cure.
Release the stepping stone from the mold and paint it with concrete sealer.

Things You Will Need
- Stepping stone mold
- Wire screening
- Wire mesh
- Tin snips
- Oil soap or cooking oil
- Concrete dry mix
- Bull float
- Wood skewer
- Plastic wrap
- Concrete sealer
- Paintbrush
Writer Bio
Mason Howard is an artist and writer in Minneapolis. Howard's work has been published in the "Creative Quarterly Journal of Art & Design" and "New American Paintings." He has also written for art exhibition catalogs and publications. Howard's recent writing includes covering popular culture, home improvement, cooking, health and fitness. He received his Master of Fine Arts from the University of Minnesota.
Photo Credits
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
- Taran Rai/Demand Media
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