The Specifications of a John Deere Baler
John Deere manufactures both small square balers and round balers in a variety of models. Some of the round baler models are also available as silage special models. These models come standard with silage baler features. Other round baler models have optional silage features.

John Deere offers “build your own” capabilities in which you can customize a baler to your specifications.
348 Square Baler
This small square baler produces bales that measure 14 inches high by 18 inches wide and can be adjusted to 12 to 50 inches in length by the operator. Weight of the bale is dependent on length and quality of materials. Pickup width of the 348 measures 74 inches with six tooth bars, 156 teeth and a pickup diameter of 19 1/2 inches. A tractor with a power take-off speed (PTO) of 540 revolutions per minute (RPM) and 35 horsepower (HP) is the minimum required to operate the baler. The 348 is equipped with two knotters. The dimensions of this baler measure 227 inches in length, including the long tongue, 67 inches height by 108 inches width.
448 Round Baler
This John Deere round baler puts out bales ranging from 35 to 51 inches in diameter as adjusted by the operator. Bales measure approximately 46 inches in width, and a typical full-size dry crop bale will weigh about 750 lbs.. Maximum bale weight allowable for the 448 equals 1,250 lbs.. The 448 features both standard pickup and mega wide pickup which measures 61 inches inside and 71 inches flared. The standard pickup possesses four bars and 72 teeth, and the mega wide pickup has four bars with 80 regular teeth and 16 mega teeth. Minimum tractor requirements for operating the 448 include 45 PTO horsepower. Base weight of this baler is about 3,360 lbs.; length with gate closed is 135 inches and with the gate open 174 inches. Height is also measured with the gate open or closed, those being 114 inches and 92 inches, respectively. Width of the unit with the standard tires equals 89 inches, optional hi-flotation tires are available bringing the width up to 96 inches.
468 Silage Special Baler
This round baler is equipped with special silage features including a powered scraping auger and a starter roll scraper. Tractor requirements for the 468 are a minimum of 75 PTO horsepower. This model has automatic to preset bale size twine controls with two twine arms and an eight twine ball capacity. Equipped with mega wide pickup, the 468 measures 61 inches inside and 71 inches flare. Possessing four bars with 80 regular teeth and 16 mega teeth, mega wide pickup is standard on the 468. Bale sizes range from 32 to 72 inches in diameter by 46 inches wide. Weight of a full-size dry crop bale equals about 1,650 lbs. with the maximum allowable for a silage bale being 2,200 lbs. Overall unit weighs 4,535 lbs.; length with gate closed without the wrap is 146 inches and 187 inches with the gate open. Height is also measured with either the gate closed or open at 110 inches or 145 inches, respectively.
The Drip Cap
- John Deere manufactures both small square balers and round balers in a variety of models.
- Pickup width of the 348 measures 74 inches with six tooth bars, 156 teeth and a pickup diameter of 19 1/2 inches.
- This round baler is equipped with special silage features including a powered scraping auger and a starter roll scraper.
- Tractor requirements for the 468 are a minimum of 75 PTO horsepower.
- Possessing four bars with 80 regular teeth and 16 mega teeth, mega wide pickup is standard on the 468.
- Weight of a full-size dry crop bale equals about 1,650 lbs.
- Height is also measured with either the gate closed or open at 110 inches or 145 inches, respectively.
Writer Bio
Keith Allen, a 1979 graduate of Valley City State College, has worked at a variety of jobs including computer operator, medical clinic manager, radio talk show host and potato sorter. For over five years he has worked as a newspaper reporter and historic researcher. His works have appeared in regional newspapers in North Dakota and in "North Dakota Horizons" and "Cowboys and Indians" magazines.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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