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How to Move a Brick House

Danielle Hill

You've found the brick home of your dreams, but in the wrong neighborhood. Instead of settling for either location or architecture, hire house movers to transport your dream home to a new lot. It's costlier to move brick houses than wooden houses, but completely possible.

Do your homework before moving your brick house.

If you find your brick home is in a very inexpensive neighborhood, you may manage to swing a savings, even after factoring in the moving cost.

  1. Set the budget for your project, including the cost of laying a new foundation plus any insurance riders you may require for the undertaking. Expect to spend at least $30,000 for a brick house, though prices range widely according to your region and the moving company.

  2. Request quotes from multiple house moving companies. Ask to see photographs and records from past projects. Only work with a company that has experience moving brick buildings. Ask whether any past clients are available as references; if so, ask the past clients about any house damage and about any delays.

  3. Check with local laws to ensure that your house moving doesn't break any laws. In Alabama, for example, houses cannot be moved more than 50 miles. Should no local regulations forbid it, go house hunting in other states. Include houses that are set to be demolished for civic construction among your options.

  4. Obtain any necessary building permits or approvals for the lot where you will be erecting the house. Check with local homeowners' associations, as necessary, to confirm that the house complies with all the neighborhood's structural and architectural requirements.

  5. Tip

    If you have a historic brick home, consult with a qualified contractor or architect about the house's structural integrity before opting to move it. Arrange alternative housing for yourself throughout the moving process. You will need to evacuate your home as the company excavates beneath the house, puts the support installation into place, raises, transports and establishes the house in its new location.


    While house moving is a somewhat common practice, it remains risky. Tom Silva of "This Old House" magazine cautions readers that moving even part of a house subjects it to considerable risk. Even a successful move may damage some bricks. Before you commit to the project, check whether you can find matching bricks for any repair work and factor their cost into your total budget.