Delta Unisaw Table Saw Wiring Instructions
The Delta Unisaw is a cabinet-style table saw that uses 220-volt, 60-cycle electrical power. This saw is equipped with a grounded horizontal-prong 220-volt electrical plug on the end of the power cord, and needs to be connected to a corresponding outlet on a dedicated 220-volt circuit equipped with a 20-amp time-lag circuit breaker. These Delta Unisaw table saw wiring instructions will also allow for a 12-gauge extension cord for distances of up to 100-feet from the electrical outlet, provided that the extension cord is fitted with the correct horizontal-prong outlet and plug.

Step 1
Turn off the master power switch providing power to the electrical panel. Install a length of 12-gauge electrical wire with three conductors and a ground between your electrical panel and the desired wall location for the outlet. Also install a 20-amp, 220-volt circuit breaker into the panel. Flip the circuit breaker's switch to the "off" position.
Step 2
Strip about a foot of sheathing from the outside of the electrical wire. Then, strip about 3/4-inch of insulation from the ends of the white, red and black wires.
Step 3
Connect the white and bare copper wires to two open holes in the grounding bar in the electrical panel and tighten the corresponding screws to secure the wires with a flathead screwdriver. Then, attach the red and black wires to the two contacts on the 20-amp circuit breaker, and tighten the set screws with a flathead screwdriver. It does not matter onto which contact on the circuit breaker the red or black wires are connected.
Step 4
Mount an outlet box to the desired wall location and slip the 12-gauge wires through one of the access holes. Strip about six inches of outer sheathing, and about an inch off of each of the red, black and white wires.
Step 5
Connect the bare copper wire to the grounding screw on a 220-volt horizontal-prong outlet, and tighten the screw with a screwdriver. Wrap the exposed end of the white wire around the screw labeled "common" on the back of the outlet, and tighten the screw to secure the wire. Connect the red and black wires to the other two screws. It does not matter to which screw the red and black wires are connected. Tighten the two screws to secure the red and black wires.
Step 6
Tuck the wires into the box until the outlet's mounting screws are aligned with the holes in the box. Tighten the screws to secure the outlet. Mount the plate cover over the outlet. Tighten the two screws to secure the plate cover.
Step 7
Plug the table saw's power cord into the outlet. Turn on the master power switch providing power to the electrical panel. Flip the switch on the circuit breaker to the on position. Turn on the table saw to test the circuit. The saw's motor should rapidly come up to speed, and run smoothly and evenly.
Writer Bio
Chris Baylor has been writing about various topics, focusing primarily on woodworking, since 2006. You can see his work in publications such as "Consumer's Digest," where he wrote the 2009 Best Buys for Power Tools and the 2013 Best Buys for Pressure Washers.
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- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
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