1920s Window Styles
Architecture in the 1920s reflected the cultural diversity of the times. Some traditional home styles remained popular; while other older styles were revived, with changes to make them more contemporary; and new architectural types were introduced. Each structural design featured its own distinct characteristics, including different window styles.
Craftsman Bungalow

Craftsman architecture took the country by storm in the early 20th century and remained strong until the advent of World War II. In response to the opulence of the Victorians, Craftsman bungalows are clean-lined and low-slung and designed to complement their natural surroundings. The windows in Craftsman homes are varied and include fixed panes bordered by casement windows, the type that crank open, and are often topped with a transom divided into three panes. The transom might have leaded or stained glass. Double-hung windows feature a lower single pane topped by an upper pane divided into six sections.
Tudor Revival
Tudor Revival architecture was popular in the United States from 1915 through 1940. Tudor Revival homes have steep roofs, with gables featuring half timbering as a nod to the English castles of the Tudor period in England that inspired them. Windows in Tudor Revival homes are often narrow casements set side by side in rows. The panes are leaded clear or stained glass divided into diamond shapes.
Colonial Revival
Having become less popular during the Victorian era, the Colonial home enjoyed resurgence beginning in 1910 and remains popular today. Colonial Revival homes are inspired by the architecture of the Colonial period between 1600 and 1700 and are often recognized by their center entrances and symmetrical windows on either side of the front door, with the first-story windows directly below those of the second story. Colonial Revival windows are double-hung windows divided into smaller panes. The use of fanlights above exterior doors is common. Less common but sometimes seen in Colonial Revival architecture are Palladian windows, those with curved tops.
Mission Revival
Mission Revival architecture enjoyed popularity in the United States from 1890 through 1940. Inspired by the Spanish missions found along the California coast, the exteriors of these homes feature siding of stucco or plaster and large, clean-lined pillars supporting deep overhangs and arched doorways. Windows have large, fixed panes flanked by narrower panes, much like those found in Craftsman architecture, which borrowed some elements from Mission Revival. Round windows and quatrefoil windows, which are round windows featuring a four-petal flower shape on the inside, are also an element of Mission Revival architecture.
Writer Bio
Jan Czech has been writing professionally since 1993. Czech has published seven children's books, including “The Coffee Can Kid," which received a starred review from School Library Journal. She is a certified English/language arts teacher and holds a Bachelor of Arts in education from Niagara University.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
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