What Bug Is Commonly Found Hiding in House Trim?
Various types of bugs may hide in house trim, especially along the baseboards along the bottom of the walls. The baseboards are usually floating a little above the floor, such as carpet or hardwood, allowing bugs to squeeze inside and hide there. Because it is so common for bugs to hide along the baseboards, you can even purchase insecticides specially formulated for use there.

Bugs like to live in sheltered areas that provide them with some protection against predators and other dangers. They may also find the areas near house trim attractive because of all the dust and debris that collects there. For example,carpet beetles may feed on pet fur and human hair trapped underneath baseboard trim. The area may also be humid and warm. Bugs may use the areas near house trim as living quarters and passageways.
Types of Bugs
A wide range of insects hides in house trim, according to Western Association for Art Conservation. These insects include silverfish, spiders, boxelder bugs, carpet beetles, clothes moths, book lice, cockroaches, ants and crickets. Carpenter ants may build their nest behind the wall and may enter through the baseboard trim. Bed bugs like to hide along the baseboards in the bedroom, particularly those located just below the headboard of the bed.
To find out which bugs hide in your house trim, use sticky traps to capture them. Obtain sticky insect traps from garden centers or home stores. The trap usually comes as a sheet with a sticky substance smeared on both sides. Remove the backing paper of one side to expose the sticky substance then tape the trap on the floor along the baseboards with the sticky side facing up. If you have bugs in your house trim, you will capture some of them with the trap and find out what bugs they are.
Control Methods
You can kill the bugs hiding in your house trim with a crevice or baseboard insecticide, sprayed along the trim as a barrier. Chemicals may not sufficiently control an infestation by some bugs, such as bed bugs. If you prefer not to use chemicals, vacuum the areas along the trim once a week or more frequently to remove the bugs. Sealing the cracks between the house trim and the floor may also trap the bugs inside so they can't bother you.
- Western Association for Art Conservation; Insect Traps in Conservation Surveys; Dale Paul Kronkright
- University of Kentucky; Carpenter Ants; Mike Potter
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension; Got Bed Bugs? Don't Panic!; February 2011
- University of Illinois Extension; In the Backyard; John Fulton; October 2008
- Michigan State University: Boxelder Bug
Writer Bio
Edriaan Koening began writing professionally in 2005, while studying toward her Bachelor of Arts in media and communications at the University of Melbourne. She has since written for several magazines and websites. Koening also holds a Master of Commerce in funds management and accounting from the University of New South Wales.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Creatas/Getty Images
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