How to Remove Rust From Washing Machine Porcelain
Rust is a problem in many households. All types of items can develop rust stains. Laundry appliances are no exception. Washing machines have either a stainless steel tub or a porcelain tub. Both can rust if the rust-proof coating wears off.

Things You Will Need
- Steel wool pad
- Cream of tartar
- Sponge
- Lime juice
- Salt
- Paper towel
Rust is a problem in many households. All types of items can develop rust stains. Laundry appliances are no exception. Washing machines have either a stainless steel tub or a porcelain tub. Both can rust if the rust-proof coating wears off. Keeping a washing machine rust-free reduces or prevents rust from getting on clothes during the washing process. Getting rust out of a porcelain tub is easy to accomplish with ingredients found in the kitchen.
Scrub off the rust. Use a steel wool pad to get rid of rust inside the washing machine. Use a paper towel to wipe away the rust flakes. This method is effective for newly formed rust stains.
Apply cream of tartar. Use a paper towel to apply the substance to the rust on the porcelain. Scrub off the rust with a scouring pad, suggests the Oregon website in its article “Bathroom Cleaning.” Cream of tartar has tartaric acid that helps to break down the rust. Use cream of tartar for more difficult rust stains.
Make a paste. Combine 1 part lime juice and 2 parts salt in a bowl to make a rust remover, suggests the website Earth Mix with a spoon. Pour a small amount of the paste onto a paper towel and apply it to the rust on the porcelain tub. Wait two to three for the paste to take effect.
Clean away the rust. Use a damp sponge to wipe away the paste and the rust. Dry the porcelain with a paper towel.
Photo Credits
- waschmaschine image by Stefan Häuselmann from
- waschmaschine image by Stefan Häuselmann from
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