How to Remove a Wasp Nest From House Siding
Wasps, like bees, have the ability to sting humans and animals. Wasps have a slender, smooth and shiny body, which makes it easy to distinguish from a bee. If you have wasps living on your house siding, you may have a problem whenever you want to work or play outside.

Things You Will Need
- Coveralls
- Gloves
- Hat
- Bee veil
- Wasp killer
- Putty knife
The best thing to do is to kill the wasps living in the nest, and then remove the nest.
Put on protective clothing. The University of Ohio recommends wearing a pair of coveralls, gloves, hat, and a bee veil if you have one.
Locate the wasp nest. If the nest is on the outside of your house siding, you can skip to Step 3. If the wasp nest is underneath the siding, you will have to remove the siding before you can kill the wasps and remove the nest.
Wait for night to fall, preferably when temperatures have dipped below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the University of Minnesota, wasps have trouble flying under these conditions, making it an optimal time for you to spray the nest.
Hold a wasp killer 12 inches from the nest and begin spraying with one of the following: diazinon, acephate, cyfluthrin, or permethrin. Spray until you have covered the entire nest.
Observe the area the next day during the daylight hours. If you see no wasps, then you know you were successful. If there are still a few wasps flying around, spray the nest again three days later.
Remove the nest two or three days after you are sure all of the wasps are dead. You can remove the nest with a pair of gloves. If the nest gets stuck on the siding, use a putty knife to help remove it.
Donate the wasp nest to your local school, so the children can study it up close.
If you are allergic to the sting of a wasp, do not attempt to remove the wasp nest. Hire a professional. Your health is more important than saving a few dollars.
- Donate the wasp nest to your local school, so the children can study it up close.
- If you are allergic to the sting of a wasp, do not attempt to remove the wasp nest. Hire a professional. Your health is more important than saving a few dollars.
Writer Bio
Alicia Bodine has been a professional writer for 13 years. She has produced thousands of articles for online publications such as Demand Studios, GoBankingRates and WiseGeek. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. She has received awards for being a top content producer.
Photo Credits
- Jonathan Kantor/Photodisc/Getty Images
- Jonathan Kantor/Photodisc/Getty Images
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