Haydite Blocks Vs. Concrete Blocks
While both blocks come from materials found in nature, haydite blocks are lighter than concrete blocks due to the components used in its making. Why which block is good for one project, but not good for another is important to understand before the building begins.

What is Haydite Block?
Haydite is a lightweight aggregate made up of clay, shale and slate, which makes it 40 percent lighter than concrete blocks. Most builders choose haydite block when they look for something light, but strong with better insulating qualities. Because it is not toxic, this material is a good choice for landscaping and garden walls.
What is Concrete Block?
Made from Portland cement, cast concrete, fine gravel and sand, concrete blocks are also known as foundation or cement blocks. When used with reinforced concrete columns, rebar and tie beams, concrete block serves as foundation building material for load-bearing walls in homes, buildings and tall structures.
When to Choose Between the Two
Choosing haydite blocks versus concrete blocks depends on the scale of the project. If building a block-constructed foundation, concrete may be a better choice because of its weight and strength. Haydite blocks work well when building appealing retaining walls and accenting garden and landscaping projects, though some builders have used the material in buildings as well.
The Drip Cap
- While both blocks come from materials found in nature, haydite blocks are lighter than concrete blocks due to the components used in its making.
- Haydite is a lightweight aggregate made up of clay, shale and slate, which makes it 40 percent lighter than concrete blocks.
- Haydite blocks work well when building appealing retaining walls and accenting garden and landscaping projects, though some builders have used the material in buildings as well.
Writer Bio
Jenn Greenleaf has been a writer for over a decade in print and on the Internet. Publications include "The Writer Magazine," "Spirit Magazine," "Do! Magazine" and "The Writer's Journal." She has written several books and is working on many more. Greenleaf is currently working toward her degree in legal studies through the University of Maryland University College's distance learning program.
Photo Credits
- concrete blocks image by Sergey Kolesnikov from Fotolia.com
- concrete blocks image by Sergey Kolesnikov from Fotolia.com
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