How to Splice PVC That Is Already Installed
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is a strong rigid white or gray plastic used in the installation of sewer and vent lines, with the section using primer, cement and couplings to join together. When a new sewer line needs to splice into an existing line, the existing line must be cut and a Tee coupling installed.

This coupling has three inlets, two to connect to the existing line and one to attach to the new sewer line.
Things You Will Need
- Marker pen
- Tape measure
- Circular saw
- Utility knife
- 80-grit sandpaper
- PVC Tee coupling
- PVC primer
- PVC cement
Mark the existing sewer line in the place where the new sewer line will be attached. Make a second mark on the pipe two inches down from the first mark.
Saw through the pipe at both marks, making the cuts straight, perpendicular to the pipe and parallel with each other -- use a circular saw or handsaw. Remove the two inch section of pipe. Scrape off all burrs from the sawn pipe ends with a utility knife and remove any small plastic fragments with 80-grit sandpaper.
Brush PVC primer around the outside of both sawn pipe ends -- brush to a width of 3/4 inch. Also, prime the inside ends of the PVC tee coupling opposite each other -- do not prime the tee's leg. Apply PVC cement to all four primed areas.
Squeeze the tee coupling between the sawn sewer pipe ends, making sure the pipe ends enter fully into the tee's inlets. Position the tee's leg up and in the direction of the water fixture it will eventually connect to. Hold the tee to the pipe ends for 10 seconds while the cement sets.
Once the tee coupling has been installed, the first section of new PVC pipe can be attached to the tee's leg and then all other PVC pipe sections installed until the new sewer line reaches the water appliance.
The Drip Cap
- PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is a strong rigid white or gray plastic used in the installation of sewer and vent lines, with the section using primer, cement and couplings to join together.
- Mark the existing sewer line in the place where the new sewer line will be attached.
- Squeeze the tee coupling between the sawn sewer pipe ends, making sure the pipe ends enter fully into the tee's inlets.
Writer Bio
Steve Sloane started working as a freelance writer in 2007. He has written articles for various websites, using more than a decade of DIY experience to cover mostly construction-related topics. He also writes movie reviews for Inland SoCal. Sloane holds a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing and film theory from the University of California, Riverside.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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