Homemade Laundry Detergent for Delicates
Not only is making homemade laundry detergent easier than one would think, it is better for the environment and easier on the pocketbook. Liquid and powder detergent can be made that is gentle enough for delicates and can be used either in the washing machine or for hand washing.

To make detergent for delicate clothing, all that is needed are a few items that can be found at your local grocery store or online: a bar of gentle and mild soap such as Ivory, washing soda -- do not substitute with baking soda -- a large container and water if you want liquid detergent.
For liquid delicate detergent, grate the bar of soap and add to a quart of water in a pan and cook until it is dissolved. Put 4 gallons of hot water into the container, add a cup of washing soda and mix. Add the soap and water mixture and let sit overnight. Use about a half to a full cup of the mixture in either the washing machine or with hand washables.
For powder detergent for delicate clothing, grate the bar soap and mix with a cup washing soda in large container. Stir mix together and use as you would store-bought detergent.
The Drip Cap
- Not only is making homemade laundry detergent easier than one would think, it is better for the environment and easier on the pocketbook.
- To make detergent for delicate clothing, all that is needed are a few items that can be found at your local grocery store or online: a bar of gentle and mild soap such as Ivory, washing soda -- do not substitute with baking soda -- a large container and water if you want liquid detergent.
Writer Bio
Annie Kluza has been in the public-relations field since 1998, writing for clients in a number of markets and platforms. An avid traveler, she has published many travel articles, both online and in regional magazines such as "Magazine of Summerlin" and "205 South." Kluza holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications studies, magna cum laude, from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
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