Curved Scallop Concrete Edging
Curved scallop concrete edging provides a classic border for flower beds, tree rings, paths and terraces, and it helps contain mulch in flat areas or on slight slopes. Scallop edging, also called edger, is available in 12-inch or 24-inch lengths or in sets. You can combine it with straight lengths of scallop concrete edging to create custom shapes, such as oval flower beds or a terraced hillside that's straight along the front and curved on each side. This versatile edging defines your landscaping, can help to prevent erosion of topsoil or gravel, and can help to reduce weeds when combined with mulch.

Scalloped Edging Options
Scallop edging comes in kits, such as a four-piece kit that can make a 32-inch circle. This works well as a border for small bedding areas such as herb gardens or to define planting areas under trees. Individual lengths, such as 12-inch scallop edging, work well to define curving paths or garden beds. As for colors, scallop edging usually comes in either brick red or natural concrete. Some suppliers also sell white scallop edgers. It's available by the pallet, with 144 to 176 pieces per pallet, depending on the product, for large landscaping edging jobs.
Scallop Edging Benefits
Using curved scallop concrete edging protects plants from being stepped on and prevents careless mowing or raking from damaging plants and trees. Scallop edging is either 2 inches or 5 3/4 inches high, tall enough to contain plants and the spread of grass, yet low enough to show the color of flowers planted along the edging. Scallop edging offers a softer look than straight edging material because of its scallops. This look works well in country cottage gardens, with brick patios and the red scallop edging add a pleasing contrast to cement walkways.
Scallop Edging Features
The curved stones generally weigh 21.5 to 22 pounds each and are 2 inches thick, large enough and heavy enough to deter most dogs from digging at them or carrying them off. Curved scallops that are 12 inches offer a convenient means to create a strong border without having to pour concrete. The weight of the edgers holds them in place next to a walkway, lawn or planting area. They can help contain creeping plants such as myrtle or baby's tears, and they're tall enough to help contain lightweight mulch such as bark that tends to slide down slopes or wash out of flower beds in heavy rains.
Curved Scallop Edging Tips
Raking and leveling the ground where you want to create the border will help to create an even edging. Lay out the edging in the desired shape and mark the shape inside the curved edging with the edge of a shovel or a stick. Remove any stones, and check the surface with a carpenter's level to get the surface even. Tamping the ground with a tamper or even with a large rock helps to create a solid foundation for the concrete edges to lessen the risk of uneven settling. When soil settles unevenly it can make the edging become uneven.
Writer Bio
Gryphon Adams began publishing in 1985. He contributed to the "San Francisco Chronicle" and "Dark Voices." Adams writes about a variety of topics, including teaching, floral design, landscaping and home furnishings. Adams is a certified health educator and a massage practitioner. He received his Master of Fine Arts at San Francisco State University.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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