How to Shingle a Gazebo Roof
A gazebo is a great way to add a nice outdoor area to your backyard. Most gazebos have a shingle roof and are similar to most home roofing additions, except on a smaller scale, meaning that you can do the job yourself in a weekend.

Whether you have purchased a gazebo from a kit, are attempting to build a gazebo on your own, or are simply looking to repair or replace an existing gazebo roof, you will find that putting shingles on your gazebo is an easy and satisfying job to complete.
Make sure you have enough shingles to cover your gazebo roof. You will need enough to add two layers of shingles, the base layer and the final layer. For 10-foot gazebos, you will need roughly five bundles of shingles while a 14-foot gazebo will require roughly nine bundles of shingles. Check with your shingle manufacturer or home improvement specialist to make sure you will have enough shingles for the job.
Caulk the seams of your gazebo roof prior to installing shingles. This will increase the water resistance of your gazebo roof.
Install a drip edge around the edges of your gazebo roof. To install, start at one roof edge and nail the drip edge to the edge of the roof using ¾-inch roofing nails. When you get to a corner, bend the roof edge to the gazebo roof and continue nailing.
Install a base layer of shingles, working with one roof panel at a time. Working one row at a time, add the shingles turned upside down to the roof, using ¾-inch roofing nails. Once one roof panel has been covered, trim the excess shingle material off from the roof seam with a utility knife. Continue laying a base layer to each roof panel.
Add the final layer of shingles to the roof. Install them in the same manner as the base layer, working with one panel and one row at a time, but place the shingles in the normal position, turned right side up. Nail into place with ¾-inch roofing nails. Move up the roof, overlapping the shingles slightly and trimming off the excess at the seam with a utility knife.
Create ridge caps to cover the roof seams. To create the ridge caps, trim a shingle into six equal pieces, cutting from top to bottom. With each of the six pieces, taper them at the top, trimming with a utility knife. Make enough ridge caps to cover all the seams of the gazebo roof.
Install the ridge caps to the roof seams of the roof. Use two 1-inch roofing nails at the taper portion of the ridge cap to secure it to the roof. Lay the ridge caps over each roof seam, starting at the bottom and working your way up, overlapping them enough to cover the roofing nails added from the layer below.
Install the metal roof cap at the top of the gazebo roof by placing it at the top of the roof and screwing it down securely.
Things You Will Need
- Silicone caulk
- Caulk gun
- Roofing drip edge
- ¾-inch roofing nails
- Hammer
- Shingles
- Utility knife
- Metal roof cap
- Wood screws
Writer Bio
Todd Campitelli has been a writer for over 11 years and has been writing on all topics from health care to education for websites all across the World Wide Web. He earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts in film and television production from New York University and is currently working on a master's degree in entertainment business.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
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