How to Mix Permethrin
Permethrin is available in a 13.3 percent solution and in a 10 percent solution. Both have different uses and different application specifications. The 13.

3 percent solution is used to help control outside flying and crawling pests, such as house flies, mosquitoes, gnats, ants, ticks, wasps, hornets, fire ants and many other insect varieties. The 10 percent solution is used to control insects in turf grass, house plants, trees and shrubs, roses and flowers and so forth.
Things You Will Need
- Sprayer
- Liquid measuring tool
The references include the application data you need to apply Permethrin 10 percent and Permethrin 13.3 percent effectively. Important safety information is included there as well.
Permethrin 10 Percent
Add the correct amount of Permethrin to the tank of a pump sprayer. The correct amount varies greatly based on the desired results. To treat turf grass against ants, crickets and grasshoppers, for example, mix 1/2 oz. Permethrin 10 percent with 3 gallons water to treat 1,000 square feet.
Dilute Permethrin 10 percent with the correct amount of water. The amount of water will vary greatly depending on the insects you would like to treat.
Apply the Permethrin 10 percent and water solution at the recommended application rate, which varies from a square footage application rate to a “wet the whole leaf until it drips” application rate.

Permethrin 13.3 Percent
Add the correct amount of Permethrin 13.3 percent to the tank of a sprayer. The correct amount depends on the desired dilution rate (0.25 percent or 0.50 percent), which is determined by the application need. For example, heavy infestations require a 0.50 percent dilution rate; maintenance applications require a 0.25 percent application rate.
Add either 1 qt. or 1 gallon water to the tank of a sprayer. Close the sprayer tank, and mix the solution thoroughly.
Apply at the specified rate for the dilution percentage: 1 gallon treats 1,580 linear feet with a 6-inch spray width.
Apply a maintenance treatment whenever the need arises.

The Drip Cap
- Permethrin is available in a 13.3 percent solution and in a 10 percent solution.
- The correct amount varies greatly based on the desired results.
- Add the correct amount of Permethrin 13.3 percent to the tank of a sprayer.
- The correct amount depends on the desired dilution rate (0.25 percent or 0.50 percent), which is determined by the application need.
Writer Bio
Kelly Nuttall is a student at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah. She is set to graduate in the spring of 2011 with her bachelor's degree in technical communications. She has been writing for various websites since March of 2009.
Photo Credits
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
- Rich Ellgen/Demand Media
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