How to Cut a Vinyl Gutter
Vinyl rain gutters are a do-it-yourself project that can be done by a homeowner with access to the appropriate tools. Vinyl gutters need to be cut to fit in position when installing new gutters or replacing sections that were damaged by cracks from ice and snow, heavy tree branches or when replacing a roof.

If installing new gutters, measure the gutters after installing hangers, corners and gutter drops for the downspouts, then cut the gutter sections to fit along the eaves.
Things You Will Need
- Tape measure
- Fine-toothed hacksaw
- Miter box or small square
- Utility knife
Purchase a new blade for the project to keep the cuts from having jagged edges or a lot of burrs.
Be sure to measure accurately to reduce the risk of waste. Always use the same tape measure to measure and mark locations for the cuts because tape measures can be off enough that the cut section will not fit in the planned area.
Measure out how much gutter is needed by measuring the distance for the section of rain gutter between the end of the corner, gutter drop or previous piece to gutter to the other end of the installation area with a tape measure.
Place the gutter section upside down on a solid work surface.
Use the measurement to mark the location for the cut on the piece of vinyl gutter with a fine-tipped marker on the bottom of the gutter.
Place the gutter in a miter box or use a small square to create a straight line for cutting. Align one side of the square with the bottom edge of the gutter and the other side of the square with the measurement mark. Draw a line along the edge of the square.
Cut the gutter from the bottom with a fine-toothed hacksaw. Place the blade in the 90-degree, or right angle, grooves of the miter box or on the line drawn with the square and cut the vinyl gutter firmly. When the blade begins to cut the edges of the gutter that are wrapped down, hold the edges close to the blade to keep them from vibrating when starting the cut so the edges cut nice and neat.
Use a utility knife to scrape off any burrs that were created during cutting.
The Drip Cap
- Vinyl rain gutters are a do-it-yourself project that can be done by a homeowner with access to the appropriate tools.
- Measure out how much gutter is needed by measuring the distance for the section of rain gutter between the end of the corner, gutter drop or previous piece to gutter to the other end of the installation area with a tape measure.
- Place the gutter in a miter box or use a small square to create a straight line for cutting.
Writer Bio
Emily Patterson has been creating content for websites since 1996. She specializes in home improvement, natural body care and natural cleaning articles. Patterson holds a computing certificate from Penn State University.
Photo Credits
- ornate roof detail image by Warren Millar from
- ornate roof detail image by Warren Millar from
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