Home Remedy to Remove Paint Oxidation
All paint finishes dull over time because of exposure to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight. This loss of gloss is called oxidation, and an effective way to prevent it from happening is to wax and polish paintwork regularly.

Getting rid of paint oxidation and restoring your car to its original luster is a process involving compounding and polishing the paintwork. Compounding rubs away the dull, top layer of oxidized paint, and polishing restores the surface gloss and protects the paintwork.
Things You Will Need
- Compound
- Lint-free cloths
- Orbital buffer
- Spray bottle
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Polish
Spread a small amount of compound cream over the oxidized paintwork with a soft, lint-free cloth or a compounding pad. Mist the pad or cloth lightly with water from a spray bottle before you add the compound cream.
Run the orbital buffer over the treated area of paintwork. Start with a speed of 1,000 rpm and gradually increase the speed, working the orbital buffer in a figure-eight pattern. Continue until the cutting cream has taken off the oxidation.
Spray the area with a solution of 1 part isopropyl alcohol to 1 part water, and wipe the area with a dry, lint-free cloth.
Rub car polish onto the paintwork with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Place a clean polishing pad on to the orbital buffer, then use the buffer to rub the polish into the paintwork. Again, start with a speed of 1,000 rpm and gradually increase the speed, working in a figure-eight pattern. Stop buffing when all polish residue has been removed and the paintwork is restored to its full gloss.
The Drip Cap
- All paint finishes dull over time because of exposure to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight.
- Spread a small amount of compound cream over the oxidized paintwork with a soft, lint-free cloth or a compounding pad.
- Start with a speed of 1,000 rpm and gradually increase the speed, working the orbital buffer in a figure-eight pattern.
Writer Bio
Adrian Grahams began writing professionally in 1989 after training as a newspaper reporter. His work has been published online and in various newspapers, including "The Cornish Times" and "The Sunday Independent." Grahams specializes in technology and communications. He holds a Bachelor of Science, postgraduate diplomas in journalism and website design and is studying for an MBA.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
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