How to Repair Teak Wood
Teak wood comes from tropical hardwood birch trees. Its beauty, strength and resistance to weather make it a treasured wood. Teak is used to make furniture, boats, chess sets and household products. Although it's durable, this type of wood still can develop cracks, and it breaks when enough force is applied.

Fortunately, you can repair teak with a little effort and a few supplies.
Things You Will Need
- Oil-based colored putty
- Timer
- Paintbrush
- Polyurethane
- Wood filler
- Carpenter's wood glue
- Clamps or rubber bands
- Polyurethane glue
To glue two pieces of teak wood back together that didn't break cleanly, use polyurethane glue, according to Megachess. Follow the manufacturer's directions to achieve the best results.
To Repair Cracks in Teak Wood
Choose a putty that matches the darkest wood the crack runs through. According to Megachess, matching the darkest color makes the crack look like a natural part of the wood.
Press the putty into the length of the crack with your finger; wipe off any excess. Smooth out the putty by moving your finger side-to-side across the crack. Set the timer for 1 hour.
Seal the crack in the teak wood with a brush and polyurethane. Do not sand the putty first.
Repair a crack that's larger than 1/4 inch with wood filler and putty. Press the filler into the crack until it's 1/8 inch below the surface. Allow the filler to dry thoroughly. Fill the remainder of space with colored putty.
To Repair Breaks in Teak Wood
Glue broken pieces of the wood back in place. Apply glue to the piece, then fit it tightly together to the largest section of wood.
Clamp the pieces together, or use a rubber band to hold odd-shaped pieces together. Don't clamp the teak wood too tightly or the wood glue will squeeze out.
Allow the glue to dry thoroughly, according to the manufacturer's directions. Carefully remove the clamps or rubber bands. Check to make sure the repair is solid.
The Drip Cap
- Teak wood comes from tropical hardwood birch trees.
- Teak is used to make furniture, boats, chess sets and household products.
- Seal the crack in the teak wood with a brush and polyurethane.
- Press the filler into the crack until it's 1/8 inch below the surface.
- Apply glue to the piece, then fit it tightly together to the largest section of wood.
Writer Bio
Kayar Sprang has been a professional freelance writer and researcher since 1999. She has had articles published by clients like Kraft Foods, "Woman's Day" magazine and Mom Junction. Sprang specializes in subjects she has expertise in, including gardening and home improvement. She lives on and maintains a multi-acre farm.
Photo Credits
- cockpit image by southmind from
- cockpit image by southmind from
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