Installation Instructions for Bruno Stair Lift
A stair lift can be a great solution for those with mobility problems. From the elderly to the wheelchair bound, climbing stairs can create a real problem. One of the leading manufacturers worldwide, Bruno Stair Lifts has been manufacturing stair lifts for more than 20 years.

Things You Will Need
- Allen wrench
- Adjustable wrench
- Philips screwdriver
- Electric drill
- Extension cord
Read the manufacturer's warranty for a clear understanding of what is covered. For those suffering from serious leg or knee injuries, stair lifts can provide relief during the recovery period.
When performing the test run, it is advisable to have someone sit in the seat who will be able to move quickly and have immediate reactions if there is a problem of any sort.
Their lifts are battery operated so power outages are not a concern. Installing a stair lift of any kind can be time consuming but is not particularly difficult. The manufacturer will provide all stair lift parts and a manual with installation instructions. There are several basic steps to keep in mind when installing a lift.
Install the stair lift tracks. This is typically the most difficult part of the process. The tracks must be assembled properly for smooth transport. Using bracket bolts, attach the brackets to the nuts in the track channel following the manufacturer's instructions. Check to see that the track is straight by pulling a string tightly from the top of the track to the bottom. Any track segments that do not line up with the string need to be adjusted.
Put the control cable in place. This cable provides a control system for the stair lift. The control cable connects to jacks located at both ends of the stair lift and runs under and along the track, remaining out of sight and making certain no wires are exposed.
Fit the stair lift seat in place. Stair lift seats come in either a fixed or swivel design. The seat is typically attached using screws at each of the four corners. Fit the seat on the frame and connect the seat control cables per manufacturer's instructions.
Install the leg rest and align it with the seat. Tighten the screws.
Push down on each bracket and make sure all loose brackets are tightened. Movable brackets will cause the stair lift to stop during operation.
Look through the manufacturer's instruction manual again, making certain you have followed all steps accurately. Turn the stair lift on and do a trial run up and down the track system. Check all buttons and the actions they perform to verify they are connected accurately.
The Drip Cap
- A stair lift can be a great solution for those with mobility problems.
- There are several basic steps to keep in mind when installing a lift.
- The seat is typically attached using screws at each of the four corners.
- Fit the seat on the frame and connect the seat control cables per manufacturer's instructions.
- Push down on each bracket and make sure all loose brackets are tightened.
- Movable brackets will cause the stair lift to stop during operation.
Writer Bio
Karen Curinga has been writing published articles since 2003 and is the author of multiple books. Her articles have appeared in "UTHeath," "Catalyst" and more. Curinga is a freelance writer and certified coach/consultant who has worked with hundreds of clients. She received a Bachelor of Science in psychology.
Photo Credits
- Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images
- Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images
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