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How to Clean Lice From Leather Seats

Kittie McCoy

When someone in your home gets head lice, it is not only important to treat the affected individual but also their surroundings. You must treat any bedding, upholstered furniture or even leather car seats or lice hiding on the surface of these items could lead to re-infection.

Delouse your leather seats.

While cleaning your leather seats will take some time, you do not need to use any harsh chemicals that could damage the material.

  1. Attach the soft brush attachment to your vacuum cleaner. This tool attaches to the vacuum's hose and features soft bristles that will not scratch your leather seats.

  2. Vacuum the leather seats with the brush attachment. Pay special attention to any crevices in the seats and underneath the seats to vacuum up all of the lice.

  3. Remove the filter from the vacuum cleaner, seal it inside a large resealable freezer bag and throw it away. If your vacuum is filter-less, empty the contents into the freezer bag carefully, seal it and throw it away.

  4. Wipe the leather seats with a cloth dampened in clean water. Immediately place the cloth in your washing machine and wash it in hot water to kill any remaining lice.

The Drip Cap

  • When someone in your home gets head lice, it is not only important to treat the affected individual but also their surroundings.
  • Vacuum the leather seats with the brush attachment.
  • Pay special attention to any crevices in the seats and underneath the seats to vacuum up all of the lice.