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How to Clean a Shower Chair

Ashley Kurz

Shower chairs are a convenient way for the elderly or disabled to be able to independently bathe themselves. A shower chair gives people who normally would need help, some privacy during the bathing process as well. Shower chairs are easy to keep clean, but do require some attention.

Constant exposure to moisture can cause mildew, mold and bacteria to form on the chair, so it is important to keep it clean and dry when it is not in use.

Routine Maintenance

After each use, the shower chair needs to be wiped dry. For convenience, you can use the same towel you use on yourself. Try to get into the routine of wiping it down after each and every use. Press the towel into cracks and crevices to soak up any hidden water or moisture. Dry the bottom of the seat as well. Mold and mildew can grow in tight spaces where moisture is present. Wash off any soiled areas with soap and water before drying the seat. The chair should be completely clean and dry for the next use. Do not store your chair inside the shower stall, because the stall itself is susceptible to bacteria and fungus due to high levels of moisture. If you must store it in the shower, dry the entire shower stall after each shower, and clean the stall regularly as well.

Monthly Cleaning

Place the chair inside the shower or tub for its monthly cleaning. Use a tile cleaner because it will prevent mold and mildew better than other cleaners. A solution of ammonia and water will also work. Use a scrub brush to get in between small spaces, and hard to reach areas. Do not scrub roughly, as the surface could become scratched. Scratches in the surface of the chair are more likely to hold on to moisture, bacteria and fungus. Always rinse thoroughly to avoid skin contact with chemicals during the next use. Dry the entire chair completely, and remove it from the shower stall.