How to Get Body Odor Smell Out of Clothes
Healthy bodies produce sweat in reaction to exercise, a rise in temperature, or stress and anxiety. Sweating regulates body temperature and maintains a balance of fluids and chemicals, such as sodium and calcium.

Sweat itself is odorless, but when it is broken down by bacteria, odor arises giving off the characteristic scent of body odor. Unfortunately, the scent can get trapped in delicate fabrics and reappear with a vengeance when the article of clothing is worn again. Removing the odor during laundering is key to keeping your garments smelling fresh and odor free.
Things You Will Need
- Stain Pretreatment
- Laundry detergent
- Salt
- Bucket
- White vinegar
- Vodka
- Spray bottle
- Chlorine bleach or color safe bleach
Bleach can also be used to remove body odor smell, but only if the garment is white.
Do not put clothes in the dryer if perspiration odor is present, as heat sets the odor and makes it difficult to remove.
Pretreat garment with an enzyme-based product soak or scrub the underarm area with laundry detergent. Launder as usual.
Place the article of clothing in a bucket of warm water and salt if odors persist after laundering. Mix 3/4 tsp. of salt to each quart of water. Allow the garment to soak overnight. Rinse it in clear water and dry as usual.
Spray white vinegar or vodka on the effected underarm area and allow it to dry to remove perspiration odors. This method may remove odors quickly, even if you do not have time to launder the fabric, making it a quick fix when you discover laundered clothes that retain perspiration odor.
The Drip Cap
- Healthy bodies produce sweat in reaction to exercise, a rise in temperature, or stress and anxiety.
- Allow the garment to soak overnight.
- This method may remove odors quickly, even if you do not have time to launder the fabric, making it a quick fix when you discover laundered clothes that retain perspiration odor.
Writer Bio
Nannette Richford is an avid gardener, teacher and nature enthusiast with more than four years' experience in online writing. Richford holds a Bachelor of Science in secondary education from the University of Maine Orono and certifications in teaching 7-12 English, K-8 General Elementary and Birth to age 5.
Photo Credits
- deeepblue/iStock/Getty Images
- deeepblue/iStock/Getty Images
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