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How to Remove Olive Oil Stains From Nylon

Mary Ylisela

Nylon is a type of synthetic fiber that has a permanent press finish. Garments made from nylon are strong, durable and easy to care for. When olive oil stains occur on your nylon clothing, it's important to treat the stain as quickly as possible.

Nylon is a common fabric for active wear because of its durability.

Oil-stained nylon can be difficult to clean and, if the fabric is dried while the oil stain is still present, the stain is likely to become permanent.


Substitute baking soda or cornstarch for baby powder to absorb the oil stain. Blot the oil stain with paper towels, rather than trying to scrub it off. Scrubbing may spread the oil further.

  1. Lay your olive oil-stained nylon garment on a work surface. Cover the site of the stain with baby powder to absorb the olive oil. Allow the baby powder to remain on the fabric for 20 minutes.

  2. Brush off the baby powder with your hand and dispose of it in the garbage. If a visible oil stain remains, repeat steps 1 and 2 until the baby powder no longer soaks up any of the olive oil.

  3. Powdered laundry detergent makes an oil stain-removing paste.
  4. Pour powdered laundry detergent into a bowl. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Stir the two ingredients together.

  5. Spread the laundry detergent paste over the remaining olive oil stain on your nylon garment. Let the paste sit there for 15 minutes to loosen the stain.

  6. An old toothbrush helps you remove oil stains from nylon.
  7. Wet an old toothbrush and gently scrub the oil stained area of your nylon clothing. Work the detergent paste into a soapy lather. Rinse the garment off with warm water.

  8. Launder your nylon clothes in warm water with your powdered laundry detergent. Hang-dry the clothing. Once it's dry, check to make sure the entire olive oil stain has been removed. Repeat these steps for any remaining stain.

The Drip Cap

  • Nylon is a type of synthetic fiber that has a permanent press finish.
  • When olive oil stains occur on your nylon clothing, it's important to treat the stain as quickly as possible.
  • Pour powdered laundry detergent into a bowl.
  • Launder your nylon clothes in warm water with your powdered laundry detergent.
  • Repeat these steps for any remaining stain.