How to Clean Paint Off of Jeans
It's practically impossible to do any extensive painting without paint finding its way onto unwanted surfaces, such as clothing. Removing paint from jeans can seem like an impossible chore. Fortunately, there are several simple methods for removing paint from your jeans.

Things You Will Need
- Salt
- Ammonia
- Vinegar
- Medium-bristle brush
- Goof Off
- Soft, clean cloth
- Mineral spirits
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Hand sanitizer
- Q-Tip
Test each method on an inconspicuous area of the jeans to ensure colorfastness before using it to remove the paint.
Wear gloves and ventilate the area well when using chemicals to clean the jeans.
Fill a bathtub or sink with warm water. Add 1 tbsp. of salt, vinegar and ammonia. Dip a medium-bristle brush in the solution and scrub the paint with it to loosen the stain. Set the jeans into the solution and allow it to soak overnight. In the morning, remove the jeans and launder them immediately.
Saturate the affected area with Goof Off and allow it to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub the area with a clean cloth to lift the paint. Repeat, if needed, before laundering.
Soak the stained area with mineral spirits. The stain should begin to disappear. Add more mineral spirits, as needed. Scrub the area gently with a clean cloth and launder in cold water.
Apply isopropyl alcohol to the stain and allow it to soak for at least five minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush. Once you have lifted as much of the stain as possible, pour dish soap onto a clean cloth and work it into the area by scrubbing gently. Launder the jeans immediately.
Mix together equal parts hand sanitizer and isopropyl alcohol. Apply the solution to the stained area with a Q-Tip or clean cloth by gently rubbing it in. Use a butter knife to gently scrape away the paint and launder immediately.

The Drip Cap
- It's practically impossible to do any extensive painting without paint finding its way onto unwanted surfaces, such as clothing.
- of salt, vinegar and ammonia.
- Dip a medium-bristle brush in the solution and scrub the paint with it to loosen the stain.
- In the morning, remove the jeans and launder them immediately.
- Once you have lifted as much of the stain as possible, pour dish soap onto a clean cloth and work it into the area by scrubbing gently.
Writer Bio
Melynda Sorrels spent 10 years in the military working in different capacities of the medical field, including dental assisting, health services administration, decontamination and urgent medical care. Awarded the National Guardsman’s Medal for Lifesaving efforts in 2002, Sorrels was also a nominee for a Red Cross Award and a certified EMT-B for four years.
Photo Credits
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
- Jeffrey Opp/Demand Media
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