How to Build a Concrete Foundation With Pavers for a Shed
The ideal location for a shed is on top of a stable surface. A pad created out of concrete pavers provides a stable surface with drainage that can fully support the weight of a wood or metal shed without sagging.

Building the cement paver pad is a simple matter of digging out the area, pouring out gravel and sand for a subsurface and laying out the pavers. This can be a weekend project with the advantage that it can be walked on immediately after installation.
Things You Will Need
- Marking paint
- Pavers
- Masonry wet saw
- Shovel
- Tamper
- Crushed gravel
- Cement sand
- Push broom
- Rubber mallet
- Level
- Plastic border
- Metal ground stakes
Mark the area for the paver pad with marking paint. Lay out the pavers in the area to gauge the dimensions. Mark any pavers that need cuts to fit the dimensions and pattern. Cut the pavers with a masonry wet saw.
Dig out the area within the marks to a depth equal to the pavers plus 3 inches. Compact the soil after digging with a hand tamper -- a long pole with a flat, heavy base and two handles on the side -- or a mechanical tamper available for rent from hardware stores.
Pour a 1-inch depth of crushed gravel onto the compacted ground. Compact the gravel and check the level to ensure the surface is flat and smooth. Repeat with 2 inches of concrete sand.
Lay out the pavers in the desired pattern over the concrete sand. Check the level of each paver with regard to the surrounding pavers. Tap the pavers down with a rubber mallet to obtain the proper level and to ensure each top is flush with the surrounding pavers.
Stretch a plastic border tightly around the installed pavers. Anchor the border to the ground with metal ground anchors hammered through the holes in the plastic border.
Sweep concrete sand into any joints between the pavers with a push broom. Dampen the surface of the concrete pavers with water to solidify the sand in the joints.
The Drip Cap
- The ideal location for a shed is on top of a stable surface.
- Lay out the pavers in the area to gauge the dimensions.
- Compact the gravel and check the level to ensure the surface is flat and smooth.
- Lay out the pavers in the desired pattern over the concrete sand.
- Tap the pavers down with a rubber mallet to obtain the proper level and to ensure each top is flush with the surrounding pavers.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
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