What Is a Masonite Garage Door?
There are many different kinds of garage doors including wood, steel, vinyl and other fabricated materials. One of those fabricated materials is Masonite. A Masonite garage door is fairly common in homes and commercial properties. There are several advantages to this type of door and you will find them available for sale at garage door outlets, home improvement suppliers and lumber yards.

A Masonite garage door is economical and functional. Masonite is made from pressed wood pulp and covered with a sheeny laminate surface. The material bends easily and is often used on skateboard ramps. Light, durable and economical, it is a common choice for stocked (non-custom) garage doors.
The Masonite garage door is built just like a wood garage door. It has a frame of wood and inside the frames are masonite panels. These fit into the door frame just like glass fits into a window pane. After the frame is assembled, the door may be painted with exterior latex paint. Masonite itself is made by heating wood pulp and pressing it into solid boards, them coating the exterior with an egg shell enamel paint.
This type of door is used for modest homes. It is a lightweight solution, and the Masonite panels in the door frame tend to be thinner than wood panels. For garage doors in a mild climate, and for the homeowner on a budget, Masonite is a good option.
There are a variety of Masonite doors, each is made using different materials. The most common are wood-framed Masonite doors. These use a frame of solid hardwood like pine or birch and 1/4-inch Masonite panels. Other doors may use thicker panels, up to one inch. All Masonite doors are panel-style doors.
Masonite was invented in the early 1900s around 1914 and it was sold to the mass markets in 1928. It was invented to be a cheap but durable alternative for wall paneling, table surfaces and counter tops.
Writer Bio
Steve Smith has published articles on a wide range of topics including cars, travel, lifestyle, business, golf, weddings and careers. His articles, features and news stories have appeared in newspapers, consumer magazines and on various websites. Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from University of New Hampshire Durham.
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